Friday, December 04, 2009

dear diary

Saw a transvestite on campus.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


You know how you yell at the main character in a suspensful movie, 'LOOK OUT, SHE'S RIGHT BEHIND YOU!' and they almost take your advice but then decide to drive away without checking the back seat, and then they get strangled by a crazy lady?!

Lately, I'm that main character. Someone is yelling at the screen but i cant quite hear what they're saying. It could be, DONT DRINK THAT! or, CHECK BEHIND THE SHOWER CURTAIN! or even KISS HER ALREADY!

Thursday, October 29, 2009



The day after I have a crazy dream I always hope someone says- 

"May all your dreams come true!"

So i can reply- 

"ARE YOU SURE?   You want dragons to become the planet's dominant species and for all mankind to be fighting for survival?!" 

Because that's what happened last night in my crazy head.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

get her out of my heart

i've recently been having a hard time getting over a girl,
and it doesn't help that i see her face wherever i go.
i see her in the crowds at school,
i see her at the grocery store.
i see her in the line at the bank,
i see her at her dentist appointment.
i see her when she's eating with her friends,
i see her at her yoga class.
i see her when she's getting ready for bed,
and i see her when she's sleeping.
how do i get her out of my heart?!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

purple alien

i biked across downtown during an afternoon blizzard to get to class on time. the ta spent the first 15 minutes of class showing facebook pics of his baby, which looks like a purple alien.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Train Wreck

train wreck

what if all your ex-girlfriends
were gathered in the same room
would they yell at each other?
would they fight to the death?
would it be like putting scorpions in jar
and shaking it up?
or like seeing an imminent train wreck,
you want to look away but can't

no, its much worse.

they would all get along really well
they'd share stories and laugh together
and form a facebook group
and agree to meet monthly

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

No joke.

While walking thru my house yesterday I found a small black bird trapped in a glass cupboard which is built into the wall of the living room.  After the initial shock I decided the only way for a bird to get inside a cupboard was if someone put it there as a joke.  So I put on some gloves and tossed him outside.  Thirty minutes later he was in the glass cabinet again. No joke.