Wednesday, January 13, 2010


My bus driver is named kent and he's driven one million miles without an accident, according to the patch on his shirt. Will they take away his shirt if he crashes? How many of those miles were driven with one hand down the front of his pants?  It doesnt seem very sanitary or safe, but then i remember the patch. Cant argue with one million miles.

Monday, January 11, 2010

romance on route 811 (in realtime)

kid in front of me is writing in his journal while i am reading it.  hes writing about the girl sitting next to him and how he's too scared to talk to her.
journal kid finally got up the courage and is now making incredibly awkward conversation with girl.  their conversation easily heard throughout the bus. people are starting to share looks and laugh.
girl just got off and gave awkward kid her name so they can be facebook friends.  and now hes writing in his journal again. cant read his writing this time but he's ending every sentence with two exclamation points.